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Good News Network
- Scientists Find the Natural Vegetable Antioxidant Luteolin Could Prevent Gray Hair
Graying hair is a hallmark of aging and often considered an inevitable part of growing older. However, recent research from Nagoya University in Japan suggests that an antioxidant might suppress this process. Researchers Masashi Kato and Takumi Kagawa identified luteolin, an antioxidant found in vegetables, as being a potential anti-graying agent. Their findings pave the […]
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- Man Finds Heartfelt Note in Mailbox From Firefighters Who Saved His Home During Palisades Fire (LOOK)
Following the California wildfire last month, a Pacific Palisades resident anxiously awaited an opportunity to return to his home and examine the damage after the January fire that devastated his neighborhood. Tony Nesburn’s home overlooking the ocean held priceless memories of his wife, Cristina Kenney, who had sadly passed away a year ago. The belongings […]
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- Baby Thriving After Doctors Removed Womb for Spinal Surgery–Then Put it Back Inside Mom at 26 Weeks
A baby survived an incredible operation when doctors performed spinal surgery inside the womb after it was temporarily removed from his mom’s body at 26 weeks—and now both are thriving. Englishwoman Serena Nye was relieved to see her newborn son kick his legs after the complex keyhole surgery was completed inside her womb. The 24-year-old […]
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- Good News in History, February 9
151 years ago today, American Pulitzer Prize-winning Poet Amy Lowell was born. During a career that spanned just over a dozen years, she wrote and published over 650 poems, yet scholars cite Lowell’s tireless efforts to awaken American readers to contemporary trends in poetry, including by substantially aiding the rise of Ezra Pound’s work, as […]
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